Few people in China, Qualcomm's biggest market, know that the Qualcomm Snapdragon processor powers most of their phones' most important functions. Enter the product demo disguised as a 30-minute thriller, written and directed by Oscar-winner Armando Bo (Birdman), and starring Chinese mega-star Wang Leehom looking for his missing girlfriend (Olivia Munn), with only her phone (and its Snapdragon features) to unravel the mystery of her disappearance.

PRESS: The New York Times, PSFK, Creativity, Fast Company, SHOOT, Ads of The World, Advertolog, Coloribus

AWARDS: The One Show Grand Prix, Cannes Lions Bronze, D&AD Graphite Pencil, Spikes Asia Grand Prix, LIA Silver & Bronze, Ciclope Gold (2), Brand Film Festival (5)

ROLE: Collaborated on the treatment with Armando and my boss Teddy Lynn, and helped manage production.

CCO: Teddy Lynn, Art Director: Andrew MillerCopywriters: Dan Winikur, Pete Nordstrom, and Tim StieflerProducers: Matt Bonin, Nicole Severi